MSc Global Health
Entry Requirements
In order to apply and be permitted to the planned altered MSc Global Health, applicants must have a first academic degree of at least 240 ECTS in the area of health, life sciences and social sciences, also including such disciplines as public and international law, environmental planning, health governance or health economics.
Also, applicants must have at least one year working experiences in relevant areas. For instance, relevant areas are the regulation of health protection, health management and planning of health care, infrastructure etc. Applicants have to hand in appropriate work certificates. For more detailed descriptions of relevant areas, have a look at the list below:
Working experiences may be gathered in:
- Regulation of health protection at national or regional level
- Analysis of relationship between external factors, the incidences of diseases and the therefore existing political supported infrastructure in hygiene/sanitary infrastructure, drinking water supply, food safety and environmental risks
- Development of actions for detection, prevention and control of diseases relevance for specific country
- Preparation of directives /guidelines for regulations of health protection
- Planning of necessary infrastructure (e.g. for risk prevention or control)
- Management of crises concerning health risk and health damages
- Planning, leading or evaluation of health-related activities in health care, organization of social security systems, development cooperation, humanitarian aid and international relationships
- Regulation for protection of physical risks
Further, non-native English speakers must prove English language proficiency at least at the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and hand in an appropriate language certificate such as TOEFL, IELTS or an equivalent one.
Besides this, applicants of course have to be highly interested in global health and social sciences. The motivation to improve health protection all over the world and especially in your home or working country is a prerequisite for studying in this programme.
Course Start
The MSc Global Health has one intake per year. The first semester is always a winter term, starting at the 1st October of a year.
Application Period & Deadline
Intake in October 2025
Applications are accepted from 1 September 2024 to 15 November 2024.
The application deadline is 15 November 2024 at 23.59 o’clock (UTC+1h).
The application process is expected to be finalised at the end of March 2025.
Please carefully read the following instructions.
Applications not meeting the formal requirements will not be considered.
Submission of your Application
Please send your complete application package (see below) in one email and as a single PDF to
You will receive a confirmation within a couple of days. This confirmation only informs you that we have received your application. It does not make any statements that the application meets the formal requirements.
For EPOS applicants further documents and formal requirements apply. The current call for applications and necessary application documents for the scholarship for an EPOS study program can be found on the DAAD’s website.
Before applying, please thoroughly inform yourself about the programme on that website and thoroughly go through the checklist provided by DAAD before submitting your application. Please check that your application documents are complete before sending them out.
Also keep in mind that you might be admitted to the MSc Global Health programme without being awarded a DAAD EPOS scholarship.
Application Package
Your application must contain the following documents in one single PDF-file and in this exact order. If you also apply for an EPOS scholarship, please follow the order given by DAAD. In this case, it is okay if you only attach the files that are required by DAAD; you do not need to submit the university’s application form.
Documents not complying with the formal requirements, incomplete documents, late as well as paper applications will not be considered. Only applications send to will be processed.
Please scroll to the end of the page to learn about further cases when your application would not be considered.
All applicants must submit the following documents.
- Application Form (click for download)
- dates and information given must correspond with your CV and references precisely
- Motivation Letter
- min. one page, max. two pages
- should show your motivation for studying the MSc Global Health and outline at least one area of research you want to work on during your studies. You may also give background information, particularly on past work experiences in the field of study, plans for future, postgraduate plans and any other information you deem relevant.
- Applicants who are currently registered in a postgraduate programme at another university should explain why they wish to change programmes.
- Current CV
- maximum length: three pages
- give information in reverse chronological order
- include a chronological list of your past and current employments and other activities in the area of Global Health
- Dates must correspond to attached references and the application form precisely!
- for EPOS applicants: You must use the sample Europass Form with the current date
- Academic Degree Certificate(s)
- In cases where the transcript is written in any language other than English or German, a certified translation of the transcript into English is required. Translated versions can be certified either by the originating university or an official national or international institution.
- for EPOS applicants: Must be stamped and/or signed by the issuing university on the original document.
- for applicants from countries with an Academic Evaluation Centre (APS): We recommend that you do not apply to the study programme before your APS certificate is available.
- Transcript(s) of Records
- must include an overview over the applicable grading system (except for applicants from the German education system)
- In cases where the transcript is written in any language other than English or German, a certified translation of the transcript into English is required. Translated versions can be certified either by the originating university or an official national or international institution.
- You must submit transcripts for all colleges and universities you have been enrolled prior to applying at the University of Bonn. The transcripts have to give the period of time, all courses that were attended, grades and degrees that were received.
- Only transcripts that have been certified by the university where the degree was awarded will be accepted.
- for EPOS applicants: Must be stamped and/or signed by the issuing university on the original document.
- English Language Proficiency
- for non-native English speakers: A sufficient proficiency in the English language (at least at the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is required. Attach an acknowledged language test, e.g., TOEFL, IELTS to the application or an aquivalent proof of your language skills that clearly indicates the level of proficiency.
- a proof of English language proficiency is not required by native speakers from the following countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom, United States
- for EPOS applicants: IELTS (Band 6) certificate or TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based; 80 internet based) is required. The institutional TOEFL is not accepted by the DAAD.
- Work Certificates or References
- certificate(s) of employment proving at least one year of relevant working experience after the Bachelor’s degree
- Only relevant, postgraduate professional experience is accepted.
- The certificate must state the exact duration in the format „from to“ and must be dated, stamped, signed and contain a letterhead.
- You find relevant working areas in the info box above.
- Work experience gathered after the application deadline will not be counted.
- for EPOS applicants: Please note that the stricter requirements by DAAD apply.
- Further relevant references (optional)
- You may attach further certificates on professional expertise, volunteering, etc. to support your application.
- You must not provide more than three additional documents.
- Providing these further documents is optional.
If you apply for a DAAD EPOS scholarship, further documents are necessary. These have to be submitted in a certain order as outlined on the DAAD website and EPOS-brochure.
Your application is not considered if
- it is incomplete (e.g., the application form or a proof of English language proficiency is missing).
- the formal requirements are not met (e.g., the CV or motivation letter is too long).
- the above order is not respected.
- it is submitted before or after the application period.
- it consists of more than one file and/or the file is not in PDF format.
- it is not sent to the right e-mail address.
- it is sent by post or any other means.
Landline phone: +49 (0) 228 287 10317
You find us in Building 66 (Gebäude 66) on the Venusberg-Campus.
For a map of the campus click here.
Postal Address:
Section Global Health
Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
Venusberg-Campus 1
D-53127 Bonn