MSc Global Health Risk Management & Hygiene Policies

Career Opportunities

First MSc Global Health cohorte (2017-2019) with study programme director Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Exner

This Master’s program will enable graduates to continue their current career paths in health-related management, policymaking or policy advise, health and social advocacy, research or teaching positions at international, national or regional levels, implementation of current or expanded health governance in ministries, academic institutions, NGOs or transnational enterprises.

Postgraduate master’s degrees in global health and hygiene sciences, international health, and related areas are required by national and international institutions and organizations including the WHO, the Global Fund, the World Bank, UNEP, UNICEF. Degrees in global health are also highly sought after in the private healthcare sector, pharmaceutical companies and research centers for health technology. Alternatively, candidates could remain within academia as a researcher, analyst or embark upon a PhD.


Landline phone: +49 (0) 228 287 10317

You find us in Building 66 (Gebäude 66) on the Venusberg-Campus.
For a map of the campus click here.

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Postal Address:
Section Global Health
Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
Venusberg-Campus 1
D-53127 Bonn